
About Us

Please Rise Your Helping Hand

UNEMPLOYMENT is the major factor in the refugees crisis across the world. Hosting countries need huge investments to sustain asylum seekers. Integration is difficult for both guesting and guested communities.

EVROS is the river that many refugees cross to land in Greece in hopes to find jobs in Europe. This inspired us to think about one solution to help those people and their host countries thinking beyond humanitarian help.

We are currently developing new partnerships for our trainees to access spaces in Greece but we believe this model to be applicable to all those countries where there is a refugee crisis.


Our Mission

Creating programs focused on training refugees in those tech skills which open for doors of remote work.

Our Vision

Cooperating with governments all across the world to help them develop training programs dedicated to refugees as a way to alleviate the financial burden weighting on their economies.

Our Values

We have a passion to search, learn and teach what we aim. We're a great team that learns and teaches together. We are caring for all ideas and trying to apply them. Evros Global have plenty of clear-cut strategies to train and help its trainees. There is a process for trainees to succeed and grow their position and power within the organization.

Owns A Business
Full Time Employed
Part Time Employed

Our Board Members

Isa Kemal Pakatci

Software Engineer

Emmett Jacobs

Software Engineer

Luca Giaretta

Data Analyst

We’re On A Mission
To Solve
The Refugee Crisis

Evros Global aims to alleviate the financial burden of those communities by  educating and training refugees in tech skills which allow them to apply for remote work.

We create and develop programs tailored to teach and educate refugees into tech professions. They can then access freelance jobs.

Our programs are free and accessible through the most popular platforms like: CLASSPERT, W3SCHOOLS, UDEMY, and many others.

At the end of the course they have job skills to allow them work remotely. This gives them a new life, better financial stability a new hope and a brighter future for them and their families.



We create and develop programs tailored to teach and educate refugees into tech professions. They can then access freelance jobs.


We bring vetted refugees to the platform. We vet refugees who are willing to learn to freelance for remote jobs such as building websites, Facebook marketing, social media management.


We believe that everyone is unique in learning, teaching progress. We support the self-improvement of the participants.


We do this through online boot camps with high touch mentor-based and project-based methodology.

About Us

We create programs focused on training refugees in those tech skills which open for doors of remote work.


350 Oakmead Pkwy #200
Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA